PT Bonofactum, apart from being one of the largest e-commerce players in the world, located in Bali, Indonesia, also keeps trying to participate in preserving Indonesian culture through various kinds of creativity in welcoming national holidays such as Kartini Day which is commemorated on April 21, 2022
What is Kartini Day ?
Kartini Day is an Indonesian holiday first officially celebrated in 1964, established by the first Indonesian president Sukarno. It takes place each year on April 21, the birthdate of Raden Adjeng Kartini (fondly referred to as Ibu Kartini or Mother Kartini).
R.A. Kartini was born in 1879 to a wealthy and powerful family in Java. Even today, the biography of Kartini inspires Indonesian women and women around the world.
On this day, Indonesians commemorate the life of Kartini and celebrate the strides she made toward the emansipasi (emancipation) of women in the country. To give you some background…
Indonesian women during this period had very limited rights; only a few were able to get a good education, and all were expected to marry. Girls of reputable families were required to endure a period of isolation upon turning twelve years old, during which they were forbidden from leaving the home until they were wed. Polygamy was the norm during this time and most marriages were pre-arranged.
Kartini Day Celebrations
Kartini Day is largely a time of celebrating and promoting women’s rights and female empowerment. Because this means different things to different people, there are many ways that Indonesians celebrate Kartini Day.
One key component you should note is that women wear pakaian adat tradisional (traditional costumes) on this day. The two items most often worn include the selendang (a type of shawl) and the kebaya (an embroidered blouse-dress). Some men also choose to dress in traditional costume on this day, wearing batik (a special type of fabric design native to Indonesia).
In addition, there are many Kartini Day activities taking place all over Indonesia, with competitions being particularly popular. For example, there’s the lomba memasak (cooking contest), during which mother-daughter teams work to cook the best meal. There are also fashion shows, makeup competitions, and drawing contests.
On Kartini Day, Indonesian school teachers may encourage their male students to show appreciation toward their female classmates; in addition, they may give special lessons about Kartini.
Here is a "late post" shared with you from our Kebaya's Festival during the Kartini Day, where we choose a winner from both office brand located in Bali, and of course besides commemorating the birth in 1879 of Raden Ajeng Kartini, one of the country's national heroes and a pioneer in the emancipation of Indonesian women. We also wanted to preserving the one of the Indonesian Culture's dress in a fun modern way altogether with our team member within the company
Hope this photo's from our team member with colorful and pretty Kebaya's both mens and womens, could inspired other as well, I think they all presented how people in this modern day, look even more pretty and handsome with The Kebaya 🥰.
At the end of the photo's share with you, we presented 2 winner's couple of the Kebaya's dresscode, so enjoy the photos!!!

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2 couple of Our Kebaya's Winner!